
Implementation Planning

Our 3-Phase approach minimizes risks and adapts to extensive project requirements while maintaining focused progress.

Building software products in the energy industry is risky.

So many seemingly obvious ideas struggle to get past the Pilot stage due to technical, regulatory, or organizational surprise

Common energy software building risks

  • Lack of problem & solution clarity means building the wrong thing for the wrong people.

  • Misaligned goals & expectations across stakeholders means messy products and missed targets.

  • Committing to building something without derisking major potential technical hurdles mean budget and timelines slips.

Streamlined Delivery Process

We run a three step process to create clarity and confidence before building

Phase One

Stakeholder Interviews & Surveys

What We Do

We conduct up to 10 structured in-depth interviews with business stakeholders and potential users. We optionally run surveys too.

Why We Do It

Align key stakeholder priorities to ensure product vision buy in and support, uncover unique customer needs & motivations, and identify implementation risk areas.

What You Get

Stakeholder Insights Document: a validated & reconciled priorities list that includes the voices of project staff, leadership, & customers with risk & success highlights.

Image of a Zoom call
Image of a design whiteboard

Phase Two

Outline Product Requirements

What We Do

We translate our findings to create a product requirements document that includes prioritized problems-to-solve, key feature requirements, and success criteria.

Why We Do It

To efficiently convert needs into a clear product vision and key feature requirements to inform build planning and budgeting.

What You Get

Product Requirements Document (PRD): A clear, strategic guide for product development.

Phase Three

Risk Assessment

What We Do

Identify and outline both known and emerging risks related to achieving the desired outcomes, focusing on aspects like technical feasibility, data availability, user interest, financial viability, and internal conflicts.

Why We Do It

To proactively address challenges, align the team, and safeguard investments by anticipating potential obstacles.

What You Get

Risk Assessment Report: A document highlighting key risks and challenges to guide strategic planning and decision-making.

Image of a meeting room

How Long Does This Initiative Typically Take?

Clarity in Scope and Timeline

Ensure your projects are viable and stay on track with clear timelines and defined scopes. We prioritize transparency from start to finish - here's what to expect:

6 to 8 weeks

Time To Completion

Implementation Plan

Final Output

Design & Build Ready

Team Agnostic


Frequently asked questions from past clients

Image of Earth illuminated by light

“Bellawatt has been an excellent energy software partner- they took our need to connect devices all over our service territory and boiled it down into easy-to-use, efficient, and streamlined software that helped make our project a reality.”

— Brian Callnan

VP Power Resources & Access, NHEC